Olivier Georgeon's research blog—also known as the story of little Ernest, the developmental agent.

Keywords: situated cognition, constructivist learning, intrinsic motivation, bottom-up self-programming, individuation, theory of enaction, developmental learning, artificial sense-making, biologically inspired cognitive architectures, agnostic agents (without ontological assumptions about the environment).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Early-Stage vision of composite scenes

Early-Stage Vision of Composite Scenes for Spatial Learning and Navigation. In the proceedings of the First Joint IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EPIROB 2011). Olivier L. Georgeon, James B. Marshall, Pierre-Yves R. Ronot. Frankfurt (24-27 August 2011). pp. 224-229.

This 6-page paper reports Ernest 9.1's experiment and discusses how Ernest learns early-stage sensorimotor and spatial regularities. The paper also introduces Ernest 9's cognitive architecture.

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